The 1.0.0-alpha1 release of the Swoole module
The Swoole module for Drupal has its 1.0.0-Alpha1 release.
The Swoole module for Drupal supercharges your website’s performance by serving it via the Swoole or the OpenSwoole PHP server. The (Open)Swoole PHP server boots Drupal once, keeps it in memory and then feeds it requests at supersonic speeds. For instance on a new and empty site a page request with NginX takes on average 0.060 seconds. The same request on the Swoole server takes on average 0.025 seconds. The request time for the Swoole server should go down even more with the use of Swoole memory tables.
Drupal core needs to be patched to make it all work. Apply the patch located in the swoole module: patch/drupal-core.patch. There are 2 Drupal issues to have Drupal core updated, so that the patch is no longer needed:
- Adding the container parameter
. User requests for the Swoole server need to be handled a bit differently, then those for the Apache or NginX webserver ( - Make the method Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel::handleException() public. At the moment the method is protected (
The module is not yet feature complete. It is only for other developers/devops persons to play/test it.
The module is NOT ready for production!